2023-05-15 17:53:20 互联网


1、学院 academic institution; college ; faculty; .... 政治学院 1. institute of political science 艺术学院 arts institute; institute of arts 农业学院 farm institute 市立学院 city college 航空学院 aviation institute; 1. aeronautical institute 文学院 faculty of arts college of liberal art; college of liberal arts; .... 工程学院 1. engineering institute ; engineering college; facul.... 理学院 1. college of science ; college of science and engineering; .... 科学院 academy; Academie des Sciences ; academy of sciences.... 财经学院 1. institute of finance and economics 戏剧学院 drama institute; 1. drama institute; opera institute 药学院 college of pharmacy; 1.a pharmaceutical college; a pharmaceutical institute 农学院 agronomy Acad; 1. agricultural college; college of agriculture 商学院 commercial college; business school ; commercial coll.... 医学院 1.a college of medicine ; medical college; college of.... 商业学院 college of business; institute of business; business .... 设计学院 design institute 船舶学院 1. shipping institute 学院的 academic; collegial; collegiate;。




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